Will Santa creep into my room and leave me my presents today? how i wish it would really happen. I'll even consider that a miracle^ ^
It's christmas eve and i've not even got the jolly mood for christmas yet.. sigh.. How i wish to be a little girl again, where i'll receive presents from my relatives and friends. How does Jesus looks when he was wrapped in a tiny bundle in a manger?? still smiling with that innocent glow in his face?? I'm starting to wonder, right at that moment did he know the purpose why he was sent to this world?? awwww!! so cute!! Maybe i should make a wish that I'll be able to do a plastic surgery and change my face into that of a baby. So adorable that i feel like hugging him in my arms and protect him.
A few days ago, i went out with someone i used to like without any expectations in mind. After meeting him for another movie date, i feel so jumpy, excited and all smiling. What is wrong with me?? Are those feelings making a comeback?? The fact that he still kept the movie tickets we first went out made me so touched. will he always surprise me that way? I feel so clueless. I'm so darn confuse about my feelings. I hate to admit this, you still have that effect on me. *helpless*
Avatar is a great movie. Lo and behold, a science fiction that attracts me in it's own ways. i didn't really expect any romance to appear in it. Yee Voon, sorry i said that to you:> it's a nice movie by the way..just a little long winded.
OMG yee voon!! hehe sorry my reaction's abit slow..hhaha.. u guys should check out this link.http://www.imasocialanimal.blogpsot.com/
i can't believe this, same blogspot address but check out the contradicting add(social animal) then the posts in it.