What makes home a home to you?? A sanctuary where u find peace and familiarities in faces, friends, and relatives? You can be anywhere else in the world, but in the end it boils down to where u belong-your home-the beginning-your real home- your origins.
who am i?

- Caryn
- A girl who looks innocent on the outside but truly fiery inside.One who loves procrastinating,fell in love with lobsters dipped in melt butter, spaghetti with extra cheese, and not to forget crab accompanied with chilli shrimps. Her most fond weaknesses: a forgetful nature and a hopeless directions-giver even in places she's supposed to be familiar with.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Craved for sleep but when i get abundance of time for it??the crave is gone
Lord, give me the eyes to see what is good and what is best for me...
Thursday was our last day at college, james, reysha, colin and I went off on another adventure to the movies watching one of the top rated movies of all time:"up". Truthfully, I can't believe I'm watching this movie. hehe..I guess i'm still young at heart?(childishly she giggles) it is quite hilarious albeit the fact its ultimately predictable that i almost fell asleep. Now that holidays has finally started, i find myself dreading it and longing for college to start again.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Disappointments for some,celebrations for the rest
Imagine our anxiety and impatience, sorry gay keong, we couldn;t concentrate on your presentation. When i finally saw my results slip...I was jumping up and down like a monkey..haha.. I CAN't Believe my eyes!!! I got a C for my english literature. its wonderful indeed I didn't get the BIG FAT disappointing 'U'(failed) like my trials. 60 marks, an incredible miracle,Praise the lord...considering that i only got half of that for my trials.
Being extremely high and all skippy, i stumbled on my own foot and almost trip in front of my crush:< TIME FOR CELEBRATION!! YIPPPEEEE!!! my parents are so happy about my results, they made time to bring me out for a movie at sunway pyramid:> gosh, i can't stop smiling.
Ghosts of girlfriend's past is a total blast!! i love it:> 'You can't always run away from your past' very true indeed!! this playboy certainly broke hundreds of women' hearts just because he is afraid to get hurt again, he crosses out the word"commitment from his vocabulary.. hm.. a note to myself: don't get attracted too much to the bad guys...
Connor, who've never believed in love is then visited by the girlfriends past, present, and future which the experience changes his attitude and allows him to reconnect with Jenny, his first love who broke his heart.. awww!! so sweet!! In my opinion, the ending is so predictable yet quite impossible though for that to happen in reality. A PLAYER CAN NEVER CHANGE. fullstop.
Friday, August 14, 2009
good guys vs. the villains
Anthony,Vanessa, Reisha, Samuel, Jason and I decided to catch a movie and skip cf(naughty naughty,whose fault?? sam's). It's too bad benedict can't come too eh, vanessa?? Anthony is the best gentleman:> he helped us carried our heavy accounting text books all the way.. thanks, anthony!! what could we girls do without u??:P haha but no guys dared help me take my file, just because there's hints and hints of pink in it.lol.

there's something about the way u look at me.. that makes me wonder..
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Emo-ing time
Because of my lil' trick of wiggling out of exam? Madame had a talk with me after class to discuss my options..
Needless to say i was late to accounts class next. First minute i stepped in, WHY are YOu late? With 30 or so pairs of eyes staring at me, i blurt out my reasonable excuse, the next thing i know? The whole class burst out laughing at me..For what reason, i have no idea. thank god I'm pretty blur then. If not, embarrassed I'll go scarlet pink and stumble on my way to my place, that'll be super embarrassing.
Monday, August 10, 2009
A little penny for my thoughts
PERTH (Australia): The Cabinet has decided that students who started studying Mathematics and Science in English can continue to do so until the end of their secondary education.
Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the students had also the option of answering questions in either English or Bahasa Malaysia.
At least, our education minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is not an arrant fool. Allowing the students who've studied science and mathematics in english for years to continue doing so will be wise. Otherwise would be a foolish decision. I'm pretty sure some if not all malaysian parents would be delighted by this news that his visit to perth to study the way their education works has brought him to view his previous decision in a different light and make this decision(his 'soft landing' to the students).
Literature in English is certainly an expensive subject to take. It not only digs your pockets empty, but also squeeze your brain juices dry for its exams.
The imprint on the surface of the book is certainly one of the most interesting ones i've seen so far:P I love the little angels with their miniature wings stretching from their shoulders. As for the large human being centred in the picture, i have no idea of its gender. Its face looks like a guy but its body suggests the other way.. hm..hm.. Samuel was seriously staring at it..haha.. This cover is seriously 'attractive', no doubt the artist is smart in capturing our attention. lol
Was watching Hamlet's movie just now during our lessons, omg, if you can just imagine how big my mouth went agape when Laertes kissed his sister hard on the mouth just to say goodbye. Speaking of incest, even though i live in the 21st century, this is way beyond my acceptance, a brother french-kissing his own sister. Outrageous!!
As if the inappropriate brother-sister kissing part wasn't enough, Hamlet appeared in another scene in the movie trying to advice his mom against bedding the current king(her late husband's own brother). Nothing much is wrong about that albeit the location of the advicing part:the Queen(his mother's bed.) he stood there shaking his mom by the shoulders,make her see sense, but his body's position is a little too wrong, his knees around her hips..hm... i shall not go into the details.. Hamlet, are you really that desperate, you can do that to your own mother?? People certainly weren't joking when they say taking english literature requires an open mind. lol.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Will you believe all these??
How would you react when i tell you that u're actually a frog, who has evolved into a human after several generations? and the reason why you don't know about that is because, u're made to think that way? the other reason why you can't jump like a frog is because our mindset tells us we're humans and we can't do that? that is so weird! unbelievable!! i still prefer the version that god made us from dust, sounds much more dignified.